About Me

Charles Sutton

Welcome! I am a research scientist at Google. I work in machine learning, focusing on how to apply deep learning to computer programs and software engineering. On this blog I write most about how to be a good researcher: how to do good work, and how to have a good life at the same time.

I don’t know if I would say — except when I am applying for a job, a grant, or an award — that I have done research that is actually any good. I’ve written about how I keep working through self-doubt.

What I have done is I’ve seen research from different angles. I’ve been a professor at the University of Edinburgh (more specifically, I was a reader/associate professor) for eight years. Before that, I was a postdoc at UC Berkeley and I did my PhD at UMass Amherst.

So I’ve worked with many brilliant people, and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what they do right, and what I can do better. This has led me to write about how to cope with stress, how to be creative, and staying focused when multitasking.

If you want to read my research, instead of how to do research, then please see my professional web page.

Contact me

The best way to contact me (insofar as any way is good; my response time is longer than I might like) is by email.


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